2020 AIF Southwest Investors' Forum
November 9–10 | Live Online
The 2020 AIF Southwest Investors’ Forum is geared toward institutional investment professionals that are deploying their capital globally. The custom, two-day agenda will kickoff with an academic session, exploring the current landscape of sustainable investing, followed by an investor discussion—focused on critical topics including the next chapter for sustainable investing in portfolios and how investors are navigating COVID-19.
Additionally, the forum will cover a cross section of cutting-edge, timely topics through different discussion formats, including investment sessions that are held in roundtable format among subject matter expert investors, consultants, and managers.
Agenda at a Glance
Day One: Monday, November 9 (10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. CST)
10:00–11:00 a.m. CST
Welcome and Introductions
Opening Academic Session: What’s the Next Chapter for Sustainable Investing
- Laura Starks, Ph.D., Charles E. and Sarah M. Seay Regents Chair of Finance, Chairman of the Department of Finance, and Director of the AIM Investment Center, McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin
11:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. CST
Investor Portfolio Construction Discussion
Session Leader:
- Sam Austin, Partner, NEPC
Investor Participants:
- TJ Carlson, CIO, Texas Municipal Retirement System
- Tom Tull, CIO, Employees’ Retirement System of Texas
- Dominic Garcia, CIO, New Mexico PERA
- Mark Steed, CIO, Arizona Public Safety Personnel Retirement System
12:30–1:30 p.m. CST
Direct Lending Session
Session Leader:
- Stephen Nesbitt, CEO, Cliffwater LLC
Session Participants:
- Jonathan Bock, Chief Financial Officer, Barings BDC, Inc
- Robin Doumar, Managing Partner, Park Square Capital
- Kevin Magid, President, Audax Private Debt
- James Kirby, President and Co-Founder, Deerpath Capital
- Matthew Liepert, Managing Director, Antares Capital
1:45–2:45 p.m. CST
Alternative Private Credit
Session Leader:
- Catherine Beard, Senior Vice President, Callan
Session Participants:
- Joaquin Lujan, Director, New Mexico PERA
- Stephen Swentzel, Managing Director, 17 Capital
- Ray Costa, Managing Director, Corporate Credit, Benefit Street Partners
- Richard Robb, CEO, Christofferson Robb & Co.
- Mark Rubenstein, Managing Director, HPS Investment Partners
3:00–4:00 p.m. CST
Diversifiers/Opportunistic Strategies
Session Leader:
- Spencer Edge, Partner, Albourne
Session Participants:
- Panayiotis Lambropoulos, Portfolio Manager – Hedge Funds, Employees Retirement System of Texas
- Sapna Vir, Director, New Holland Capital
- Ben Hunsaker, Portfolio Manager, Beach Point Capital Management·
- Bill Sanders, Partner, President, Chief Operating Officer and Chief Risk Officer, 400 Capital Management
- Jonathan Segal, Co-Chief Investment Officer, Highbridge Capital Management
- Paul Triggiani, Head of Distressed Credit, Invesco
Day Two: Tuesday, November 10 (10:00 a.m.–4:15 p.m. CST)
10:00–11:30 a.m. CST
Panel: Managing Risk Overall During Unprecedented Times
- Overall Governance Risk Management
- The New Norm of Managing your portfolio
- Success in Mapping out the future – Governance & Succession Planning
- Ken Wiles, Associate Director of Hick, Muse, Tate & First Center for Private Equity Finance and a Clinical Associate Professor of Finance, McCombs School of Business, The University of Texas at Austin
- TJ Carlson, CIO, Texas Municipal Retirement System
- Dominic Garcia, CIO, New Mexico PERA
- Dan Parker, Deputy CIO, Texas Tech University System Office of Investments
- Tom Tull, CIO, Employees’ Retirement System of Texas
11:45 a.m.–12:30 p.m. CST
Private Equity
Session Leader:
- Michael Elio, Partner, StepStone
Session Participants:
- Adriana Ballard, Portfolio Manager, Employees’ Retirement System of Texas
- Neil Randall, Managing Director, Private Equity, Teacher Retirement System of Texas
- Matthew Nord, Senior Partner, Apollo Global Management
- Susan Soh, Chief Strategy and Capital Development, Two Sigma Private Investments
- Brian Sullivan, Partner, GCM Grosvenor
12:45–1:45 p.m. CST
Real Estate
Session Leaders:
- Rob Kochis, Partner, The Townsend Group, an Aon Company
- Grant Walker, Senior Director of Real Assets, Teacher Retirement System of Texas
Session Participants:
- Brad Creel, Director of Real Estate Investments, Lockheed Martin Investment Management Company
- Michael Butz, Partner, Torchlight Investors
- Boyd Fellows, Managing Partner, ACORE Capital
- Cameron Kirby, Managing Director & Commercial Real Estate Investment Committee Member, Axonic Capital
- Kim Hourihan, Portfolio Manager, CBRE Global Investors
- Lee Manifee, Managing Director and Head of Americas Investment Research, PGIM Real Estate
- David Roth, Partner, Head of US Real Estate Private Equity, Ares Management
2:00–3:00 p.m. CST
Session Leader:
- Sylvia Owens, Managing Director and Global Private Credit and Real Assets Strategist, Aksia
Session Participants:
- Kirk Sims, Senior Investment Manager, Teacher Retirement System of Texas
- Dan Kim, Director, IFM Investors
- John Ma, Director, Infrastructure Investment, First Sentier Investors
- Tim Short, Managing Director, Capital Dynamics
- Vittorio Lacagnina, Member of Management, Partners Group (USA)
- Tod Trabocco, Director of Strategy, ITE Management
3:15-4:15 p.m. CST
Beyond Checking the Boxes: How to Build Success in Board Inclusion
Please join us for a rich panel discussion on how organizations can become paragons of their industry or sector by successfully integrating diversity and inclusion. The panelists will enrich us with their work with and on boards to achieve that success and show us how their perspectives and lessons can be applied to any organization striving to obtain a more inclusive culture.
- Sharmila Kassam, Senior Fellow, Milken Institute; and Former Deputy CIO, Employees’ Retirement System of Texas
Session Presenters:
- John D’Agostino, Managing Director, DMS Governance
- Tissa Richards, CEO, Marketing Logix
- Janet Handley, Board Member, UTIMCO; Former CIO and Current Advisor, Texas A&M Foundation
- Terri Pandolfi Herbuin, Board Member, Brandywine Realty Trust and Managing Director, Greystar Real Estate Partners
- Patti Melcher, Board Member, H2O Midstream and Managing Partner and Co-Founder, EIV Capital, LLC
2020 AIF Southwest Investors' Forum Confirmed Participants List
Rebecca Levy, Senior Portfolio Advisor
Sylvia Owens, Global Private Credit and Real Assets Strategist
Spencer Edge, Partner
American Beacon Advisors
Mark Michel, Senior Analyst
Angeles Investment Advisors
Michael Rosen, CIO
Arizona Public Safety Personnel Retirement System
Mark Steed, CIO
Chinquapin Trust Company
Corey Biggs, CIO
Church Investment Group
JoAnn Hanson, President
Cliffwater LLC
Stephen Nesbitt, CEO
Laurie Sudwarts, MD
Employees’ Retirement System of Texas
Tom Tull, CIO
Craig Hester, Chair, Board of Trustees
Adriana Ballard, Portfolio Manager
Panayiotis Lambropoulos, Portfolio Manager – Hedge Funds
Nick Maffeo, Portfolio Manager
Robert Sessa, Head of Real Estate
Ilesa Daniels, Trustee
Jim Kee, Trustee
Fort Worth Employees’ Retirement Fund
Christina Wu, Investment Officer
Ken Goldman, President
Houston Police Officers Pension System (HPOPS)
Neal Wallach, Investment Strategist
Susan Ridlen, CIO
Lockheed Martin Investment Management Co.
Brad Creel, CAIA, Director of Real Estate Investments
Beth Johnson, Partner
Sam Austin, Partner
New Holland Capital
Sapna Vir, Director of External Relationship
New Mexico PERA
Dominic Garcia, CIO
Joaquin Lujan, Director
Orange County Employees’ Retirement System
Emma Ji, Investment Analyst
Public School Employees’ Retirement System of Pennsylvania
Angela Chen, Analyst
Providence Health
Alec Stais, CIO
Sompo Asset Management
Shiro Kasai, Chief Representative
Texas Christian University (TCU)
James Hillie, CIO
Texas Permanent School Fund
Kathryn Gernert, Portfolio Manager
Teacher Retirement System of Texas
Neil Randall, Managing Director, Private Equity
Kirk Sims, Senior Investment Officer
Grant Walker, Senior Investment Officer
Jennifer Wenzel, Director
Texas Municipal Retirement System
TJ Carlson, CIO
Kristin Qualls, Investment Manager
Frank Atkins, Investment Analyst
Kevin Notaro, SR Analyst – ARS
Texas Tech University
Dan Parker, Deputy CIO
Townsend Group, an Aon Company
Rob Kochis, Partner
Janet Handley, Board Member
Verus Investments
Jason Moss, Managing Director
Wyoming Retirement System
Ben Bowman, Senior Investment Officer